엄마 영어
[유튜브 영어문법 영상 추천] - 홍스맨 Hongsman엄마 영어 2024. 5. 17. 14:39
영어 공부랍시고유튜브를 휘저을 때우연히 떴었는데그 당시에는문법 공부를 제대로 안할 때라몇 편 보고 말았었다.'그냥 재밌는 토익 일타강사시구나.' 라면서. 그런데 문법 공부를 마치고,이 분이 떠올라 다시 영상을 보려는데당최 이름이 생각이 나지 않는 것이다. 저장해두지 않고알고리즘이 올려주지 않으면모래에서 바늘 찾는 것처럼 어려운 유튜브. 진짜 어렵게 다시 찾아냈는데역시나'영어 원리를 명확하게 알려주는 데 일인자라고 칭송드린다!' https://youtu.be/nM_jSb5Bbds?si=FYk6ASR_O4Y7RAI5 그 어떤 종류의 영어 공부든언어의 근본을 다져놓고출발하면 더 재밌게 공부할 수 있다. 유튜브에 많은 문법 강의들이 있는데그 모든 고리를 한데 엮어서큰 그림을 볼 수 있게 해주는데그게 무료!..
Chapter1. Riley was born.엄마 영어/INSIDEOUT 2024. 5. 17. 14:28
영화를 보고 원서를 읽으면 머릿 속에 장면이 콱 박혀있기 때문에,마치.. 내가 원서를 후루룩 이해하는 사람처럼 느껴지는 마법같은 효과가 나타난다.영어공부는 은근히 이런 pretending! 이 은근히 동기부여가 되고재미지다는 사실!! 내가 공부한 문법을 찾아보는 것도 원서 읽기의 재미!그리하여 인사이드아웃 원서를 무턱대고 읽기 보다는문법 먼저! 영화 먼저! 그럼 재미 두 배!! 읽고 나서 음원 들으면 이건 또 마치 내가 원어민 말을 알아듣는 것 같은또하나의 pretending, 착각이 일어나니은근히 삶의 소확행이로다! sphere:뜻: 구, 영역, 범위발음: /sfɪər/Earth is a planet in the sphere of our solar system. (지구는 우리 태양계의 구성원인 행성..
Day4.Do you often talk to your family members?엄마 영어/Journal 2024. 5. 17. 07:44
I am close with my sister. she is 3 years older than I am.when we were in high school we didn't talk much with her because she thought I was too young for her.but as we are getting older, we have become more like friends.we talk about everything such as clothes, food, boyfriends and so on.I love talking with her.since we share a same room we usually talk before falling asleep. when I was young,..
Day3. why do you think there are coffee shops on every block?엄마 영어/Journal 2024. 5. 16. 19:59
Korean people love drinking coffee.many people who drink coffee have it(coffee) as a habit. so they drink every morning, after lunch, and whenever they want to.they can drink coffee easily because there are coffee shops almost on every corner in the city.Caffeine can be addictive strongly so many people are addicted to coffee around me. since it's cool during the summer and warm during the wint..
Day2. Why do you buy bottled water at a convenience store?엄마 영어/Journal 2024. 5. 15. 07:29
bottled water 생수tap water 수돗물water purifier 정수기 There is a water purifier in my office. but I felt more clean bottled water than purifier water.so I drop by at a convenience store on my way to work to buy bottled water. I like buying bottled water at a convenience store because there are many various options.nowadays I like drinking mineral water that is additive fruits or hub taste.it is a heal..
Day1. why do you read books?엄마 영어/Journal 2024. 5. 14. 10:35
from now today, I'm going to write a journal here. I'll pick up the subject within a book called 'speaking 3 Minutes' This book is amazing. I am grateful to the author of being written that book. I achieved an English diary for 100 days a week ago. since then, I gained confidence. so, I decide to start composition here for 100 days again. I hope I will be able to succeed. keep up the good work! ..
on my way, on the way엄마 영어/Key Expression 2024. 4. 20. 09:20
-Hey bro! Where are you? I've been waiting for you. -oh! I'm on my way! please wait a second! -Honey! Please return this book to the library on the way to the office. -sure! I'll also take the kids to school on the way to the office. on my way (to) 목적지, 약속 장소로 향하는 중 on the way to~로 가는 길에 결국 맥락 안에서 비슷하는 것.